from The British-Libyan Solidarity Campaign
date Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:27 PM
subject Gaddafi - What is he up to?
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Dear Frinds and Supporters
On the 10th September GordonBrown announced his intention to invite Gaddafi to the UK for an oil Summit in December. Since Gaddafirenounced his “weapons of mass destruction” program and paid compensationfor the Lockerbie bombing, amongst other acts of terrorism, there has been apolicy of rapprochement with Libyaand Gaddafi is being welcomed into the fold of the Western Allies. However there has not been any significant changes to Human Rights in Libya, theLibyan people are still suffering the effects of 39 years of a brutalregime. The British Libyan Solidarity Campaign wants the invitationto be withdrawn until there is an improvement in the situation of ordinaryLibyans including the release of political prisoners, the end of torture, theend of disappearances of dissidents, the repeal of Law 71 that makes it acapital offence to form a social or political organization that in any waysdisagrees with the regime. We do not want the Dictator who isresponsible for the deaths and imprisonment of thousands of Libyans in the UK as our guest.
On the 9th October the BLSC tookpart in Press TV’s analysis and discussion program “Agenda”hosted by Yvonne Ridley to debate whether Gaddafi should be welcomed to the UK or if theHuman Rights situation should be addressed before he is included. The program is titled “Gaddafi – what is he up to?”
Please take a look and make your decision
If you agree with the position of the BLSCplease join us in our Campaign by emailing with your contact details and we will keep you informed of our activities.
Many thanks
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